As far as University of MI is concerned, I am now Sylvie Khajuria Williams. They even give me a new MCard tomorrow. I didn't want to keep my maiden name just because it's not the easiest name to pronounce/spell. However, after realising that the Internet has a lot of historical information about me as Sylvie Khajuria, I decided to keep it as my middle name.
How the Web controls me!
You aren't married yet, though, right? I thought you were getting married at the end of December.
yes ma'am but i thought the process with the Registrar's would be lengthier ... it took 2 minutes!
Congratulations on this further step into matrimony! :)
You know, perhaps I should have considered doing this middle name/last name thing when I got married. My husband's name is probably easier for people to say - we have an old neighbour (in his nineties) who insists on calling him Barrett, but its close enough in pronunciation. My last name however, doesn't seem to have a close equivalent in Western terms. Maybe I will do some research on what it takes to make the change.
tsk tsk tsk Sylvie...a much cooler name would be Sylvie Optimus Prime but it is too late now.
Hey Madhu
I think if you ask the Social Security Administration people, they'll tell ya what ya need to do :)
That's what my mom did and most of the women in my extended family have done. Wow...your wedding is really soon isn't it? Congrats!
25 days away and I am getting more frayed nerves everyday!!! It's really nerve wracking and I didn't think it would be with only 21 guests.
Yeah, that's what my mom did too - but she always hated her middle name so she was glad to get rid of it. I want to keep my last name but I like my middle name too! Maybe I could just tack another name on the end.
Some people give their maiden names to their children as middle names.
My dad has his mom's maiden name as a middle name, but it's Harvey so it's not that weird.
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