Did I jinx myself by telling everyone how you were on a 3 hr feeding schedule? That you wake up like clockwork and then go to sleep? Or was last night just the first test of many to come? When you fed a gazillion times between 8 and midnight. And you wouldn't stop crying and I didn't know what to do. You finally slept at midnight in your swing and didn't stir till 4:45 and that was in your swing. Have you decided the crib in your pack-n-play isn't comfy enough for you? Because after feeding at 5, you went to sleep again in your swing and you slept for close to 4 hours. I guess where ever you can sleep in peace, it's good for you and for us.

Yes, you have a weird feeding schedule and you might be hitting your first growth spurt but that's what you are supposed to do. So, you go ahead and do what you need to. We'll try our best to keep up with you.
I know you won't stay this small forever, so photos like this are very precious to us:
We love these tiny toes, those tiny fists you make when feeding whether at the breast or the bottle, those smiles on your tiny lips when you are filling a diaper for us and everything else in between!
- Mommy and daddy