It's done, the huge couch has been broken in as a bed for an overnight guest. Sarah from SI was in Washington D.C. for the
SAA conference, and was able to come over for a night. She got to our house too late for us to go
line dancing, but the next morning, we were able to have
lunch at a really nice bbq place,
Red, Hot and Blue, that her friend recommended.

Jeff and I decided we needed a sleeping implement for the second bedroom, so if more than 1 person was to visit, they wouldn't have to sleep on the floor. So,after dropping Sarah off at the Metro station, we spent a few hours at
IKEA. We picked up a
futon, a really thick mattress for it and a red cover for the mattress. Our house is starting to get a color theme.
We also finally picked up
bookcases. Since these have to be put together, we got 3 of the sides and some solid pine shelves for books and some metal multimedia shelves for DVDs and CDs. We'll see how this works out.