First, I got my handsome young man this shirt. Under "Sergeant Smooch," I think it says something about deadly lips. The shirt is funny for him because he has no concept of kisses. He doesn't give them, he doesn't blow kisses. When we kiss him, he just stands there and looks puzzled.
His idea of a kiss is a drool filled open mouth. Wait, he's a teenager already? ;-)
I created these goody bags for Oliver's classmates. I found these Valentine's day rubber duckies on Amazon. I got these cute tattoos and the goody bags. Then, I spent a whole evening baking strawberry cookies, icing them with heart shapes and sprinkling them red.
Fast forward to this morning, I am putting the bags in the cubbies and overhear another mom say that we are not allowed to bring in home cooked stuff. I checked with the daycare and yup, I had to take all of those out. I think I knew this but I just didn't think. Oh well, all that bicep pain for nothing. That darn icing isn't easy to squeeze out. Well, some coworkers got lucky this morning.
I also made cake pops for coworkers - strawberry cake + strawberry frosting covered in red candy. I wasn't planning on eating any but one broke on the way in and I wasn't going to give that to coworkers ;-)
I might not be able to do a smooth coating on them but they sure were yummy. And, I am getting faster. It took me barely an hour to do about 40 of these last night - that's just the dipping in the candy though. I spent about a half hour the night before rolling the balls. I let them sit in the fridge for a day to harden a bit. Makes it so much easier to dip.
At 3:15, we have a little shindig at daycare with little ones and a lot of sugar. That should be entertaining.
And, at 5, I have a date with 2 handsome men for dinner at our favorite place, Victoria's. And, I'll be sporting these beauties I scored really cheap at JC Penney.
I wouldn't have this day any other way, it's going to be perfect. I love you Jeffrey. I love you Oliver.
To all our family and friends, all over the world, may your day be filled with as much love as ours is.
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