Today: Tuesday, May 9th 2006: My first day driving my Honda Element to work. It was great. I like being higher up off the ground but not feel like I am looming over people. The subwoofer they threw in it is amazing, I can blast my bhangra like nobody else's business :-P.
Yesterday: Monday, May 8th 2006: My first day at work. I had a 5 hour orientation with Lockheed Martin which involved going over procedures, filling out reams of paperwork, and getting my ID badge that lets me into secured places. I also spent about 2 hours at my own building which is pictured right here:

I met my boss's boyfriend and dog for the first time and was ensured they'd be around a lot. She has a goldendoodle, which is a hypoallergenic dog breed - a combination of golden retriever and poodle. She is so cute and I have decided that's the breed I want. It's cute, friendly, doesn't shed and doesn't make me sneeeze. What else could I want?

Day before yesterday: Sunday, May 7th 2006: Jeff and I ventured into Baltimore for the first time. I am not sure of what I was expecting but what I saw was not it. Baltimore is such a cute little big town. Parts of it - sloping streets, shoebox houses, the pier etc. - reminded me of San Francisco, without the garbage and cold. After visiting Detroit (granted I only visited Detroit a grand total of 5 times maybe, but these are all first impressions), I found Baltimore to be a town that's gotten new life breathed into it while Detroit is a dying town. When I first drove through Detroit (after getting lost coming back from a baseball game), it was depressing. On the other hand, driving through Baltimroe was enchanting - that's the word that popped up in my head. There are these really old building that have been made into apartments. The churches have exquisite architecture. Some of the streets still have original cobblestones. We saw the church where Francis Scott Key died (the guy who wrote the Star Spangled Banner). We drove by the street where Edgar Allen Poe is buried (we have plans on going back there). We saw these tourist buses that are called Ducks and are land to water vehicles (we have plans to go on those too). We saw the Peabody library, which is said to have a very impressive five tiered architecture inside and even more impressive non-circulating collection. Plans to go there as well. We got some good pictures:
Day before the day before yesterday: Saturday, May 6th 2006: Jeff and I went down to the Annapolis Mall where he'll be working, starting tomorrow. And, on the way there, we got a flat tire for the first time on my new Element. Jeff had to take it in Monday; he argued with them and got them to fix it for free. It was a brand new car we bought off the lot that got the flat tire with barely a 100 miles on it.
That's all the firsts for now, I'm sure there will be more.
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