We got a tree and decorated it. This was Suheir's first Christmas tree decoration at her house (we both went to a Catholic school and would decorate trees at school every year). She got a couple ornaments, one that says "SISTER" and one that is a doctor and has her name on it. Jeff got a Starbucks cup ornament with his favorite beverage on it. Even Smokey got in on the action :-).
Then, Jeff and I got to go to the Lockheed annual holiday dinner and dance. We enjoyed that so much, we danced for close to 3 hours, including to some awesome bhangra music the DJ played. In the 3 years I have gone to this event, this year, I felt the best about myself and in turn, enjoyed myself so much more. And, that was with only one drink the whole night.

Last but not the least, we went to what's becoming an annual tradition at my boss and friend, Kathi's house. She hosts a holiday dinner and gift exchange/steal, where we each bring a gift and then pull numbers to see who goes first. The second person onwards has two choices - pick up a wrapped gift or steal somebody's already unwrapped one. Just like last year, the booze and chocolates were much fought over. Jeff came away with a Magic 8-ball and Suheir stole a Starbucks gift card from Kathi (which I somehow imagine will land in Jeff's stocking). We also surprised Kathi with a candle on a cookie cake, since it was her birthday 2 days later.
As you can see in the pictures, I did not go with the jeans and t-shirt look. I wore a sari. Yay! There's still a slight belly bulge but I felt comfortable enough to wear one and that says a lot about how I feel about myself on a whole. I haven't talked about it much but since the surgery, I've now lost 90 some pounds. I still have 30 to go but having lost what I have, I have so much more energy and pep that I surprise myself. I have loads more self esteem than the same time last year. I think that makes for a better relationship with my family, friends and even coworkers.
90 pounds!!! That's an amazing feat, congratulations!! Oh and happy holidays!
Thanks Noor!!! The first year was a bit easy, now I'm having to work on it :-) happy Holidays to you too!
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