Thursday, January 04, 2018

Nowhere except on FaceBook

Things I've suddenly realized I can't get anywhere except on FaceBook:
  • Discussions and happenings about the Howard County Schools - there is a group of folks invested in this nut it's all on FB.
  • My activism - the groups and their events are all on FB, how do folks not on there find out or join in?
  • Friends' events - nobody sends out evites anymore! If Jeff wasn't on it, I wouldn't know what somebody was trying to invite me to.
How did we do this before social media became so ubiquitous? How did we connect with like minded people who wanted to stand for something and fight for somebody's rights? We had leaders like Dr. King who spoke from pulpits and street corners. But, how do we do that now that it's not 1 leader but small groups trying to activate the sense of justice and speak against injustices of all kinds? Where do I find these folks if I am not on FB?

How do I find out what parents of my ilk are discussing what's going on in our schools?

What happens if the entire Internet goes down tomorrow? I have this image of people suddenly sitting on their couches, thumbs and fingers twitching, unable to figure out how to connect to the outside world. I am part of the same problem. I don't have a solution but I think we need to discuss this further.

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