Sign of a GREAT weekend: baby out like a light |
Look at the death grip |
Happy now |
Saturday night, we had a wonderful time at Gill & Gina's house, where we pushed Oli's bedtime to 9 p.m. and paid for it. Anytime we keep him up later than 7:30, his sleep is bad through the night and he gets up earlier the next day, all crankified. He'll go to sleep anywhere if we put him down between 7 and 7:30, and moving him from there to the car and then to his bed doesn't affect him. So, this teaches us a lesson to stick to his plan, and not mess with it.
Sunday morning, we went to his buddy Carl's house for a Mother's Day brunch. Can you believe Jeff and I didn't get a single photo? We really took it easy while the boys played in the yard and on the deck. Oli managed to smack the right side of his forehead, under his eyebrow, on the deck because he wanted to carry a broom 3 times his size up the steps. It was swollen after his nap but seemed to do better after a warm compress. We took him for a ride on his trike in the afternoon, and then Jeff grilled up some kabobs for dinner. It was a beautiful weekend to be outside.
So, let's get back to the swollen eye. Everyone who knows Jeff and me knows that I am a little more laid back about boo-boos than Jeff is. So, when Oli took a spill, I looked real quick and seeing no blood, said, oh you are good. Took the broom away from him and sent him off to play. Jeff had looked at his face and said something about a swollen eye. I thought he was overreacting. Fast forward to some hours later, Oli walks out of his room after his nap and his right eyelid was so swollen. I could have cried! I felt like such a huge failure. I did the warm compress and cuddled him tight (as much as he'd let me). But, man oh man, did I feel like the worst mother in the whole wide world. So, here's a little note to my little bug:
Dear Oli,
I might fail at kissing your boo-boos when they happen or realizing you are hurt more than I can see at first sight. I might fail at trying to take away your paci and I might fail at keeping your bedtime schedule. I might fail at grabbing that food you just let Smokey lick and put in your mouth. I might fail at stopping you from touching a random car in the parking lot because you want to feel it and say "cuck" (truck). I might fail at not realizing that the food you just grabbed from my plate might be too spicy for you and then giving you more because you want more and the world might end if I don't give you more right there and then. I am sure I'll fail at more things than I can count before you become a parent yourself some day.
Including trying to wear and walk in your momma's shoes.
I hope you'll be proud to have me as your mom just as I am proud to call you my baby every single day of my life. I love you, my bug, Your mom.
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